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How to Install and Run latest Hyrax

How to Install and Run latest Hyrax

This is the first of a series of posts that describe “How to… when using OPeNDAP’s Hyrax Data Server.


  • Install and run the latest version of OPeNDAP’s Hyrax (1.17.0) data server.


  • Some data stored locally (~/tmp/DATA/).
  • Docker deamon running in background (“Docker Desktop“).
  • MacOS or Linux (we currently do not test our software with Windows).

Run Hyrax

This is a 2-step process.

  1. Open a terminal window on your Desktop computer and pull the latest (snapshot) of Hyrax:

docker pull opendap/hyrax:snapshot
  1. Now, if you are running this tutorial on a Linux environment, run the following command

docker run -d -h hyrax -p 8080:8080 \
--volume ~/tmp/DATA:/usr/share/hyrax \
--name=hyrax opendap/hyrax:snapshot

NOTE: If you are running this tutorial on a MacOS with an M-chip, you will need to add the following line to the docker run command above:

--platform linux/amd64 \

Check the tutorial video associated with this post: