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Hyrax 1.1 (14 March 2007)

This 1.1 release features:

  • Lots of Bug fixes (see closed Hyrax 1.1 tickets)
  • A new ‘install’ for the handlers (general purpose, hdf4, netcdf and freeform) that installs sample data and updates the bes.conf file so that Hyrax runs ‘out of the box.’


Individual Binaries will be added when they are available. What to get: You will need the OLFS (which is a Java binary and runs on any computer with Java 1.5) and one set of the BES, dap-server and one or more data handlers. We’re including libdap here as well to cut down on the amount of hunting around you need to do; libdap is required for all of our software written in C++ (which includes the BES and the handlers).

Java icon Java

Linux Tux Logo Linux (Fedora Core 4) i386 RPMs

Linux Tux Logo Linux (Fedora Core 5) x86_64 RPMs

Source code

Version 1.1:

Soap Test Client

We also have SoapTestClient available for this release.It provides an example for people that wish to try the SOAP interface to have an example of how to use it. Source code: SoapTestClient-1.0.0.src.jar; and binary: SoapTestClient-1.0.0.jar

Contributed builds

Version 1.1

Contributed: Sharing your binary builds for those operating systems not available here.

Available Versions