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Software Developer’s Workshop (BOM, October 2007)

Australian Bureau of Meteorology

Software Developer’s Workshop

Wednesday 17 October to Thursday 18 October

This workshop will target developers and focus on building custom modules, adding support for new data formats and new service protocols to, as well as extending the server to support server-side functions and other protocols. Developers will learn how to enable client applications to access OPeNDAP data servers using several different client libraries.

9:00am Wednesday – Start of Software Developer’s workshop

Architecture and Design of Hyrax (lecture)

10:30am Wednesday

Extending the OLFS: Writing Custom DispatchHandlers (lecture)

12:30pm Wednesday


1:30pm Wednesday

Examination and verification of a working Hyrax server (hands-on)

2:00pm Wednesday

Extending The BES: Commands, Response Objects, Handlers, and more (lecture)

  • New commands (like our hello world example)
  • New response objects
  • New response handlers
  • New request handlers (data handlers like netcdf, freeform, csv)
  • Aggregation engines
  • Methods of returning your data (return as netcdf)
  • Reporters
  • Exception Handlers
  • Debugging

3:00pm Wednesday

Server-side processing (lecture)

4:00pm Wednesday

Use-Case for developer’s projects (10 min. presentation on Thursday)

5:00pm Wednesday

Retire until Thursday morning at 9:00am

9:00am Thursday – Start of 2nd day of workshop

Presentations of Use-Case for developer’s project

10:30am Thursday

OPeNDAP development and security policies

Logging from Hyrax modules (hands-on)

OPeNDAP client libraries for custom application design

12:30pm Thursday


1:30pm Thursday

OPeNDAP working groups

2:30pm Thursday

Development activities: (open discussion, user projects)


End of Software Developer’s Workshop

All attendees are asked to bring a PC laptop and will be given a Linux virtual machine. If people want to use a Mac, they will have to be able to ‘roll with the punches’ when it comes to building code in that environment.

We will provide attendees with a binder for the lecture and hands-on info.

More information about the OPeNDAP workshops is available.
