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Using OPeNDAP Clients – eResearch 2011 1/2 day workshop
These slides were presented at the eResearch 2011 meeting in Melbourne, Australia. The workshop covered both using a web browser as an OPeNDAP client as well as application-clients like Matlab and other tolls. Also covered are some issues relating to clients like configuration of the .dodsrc file to enable certificate-based authentication. There are four sets of slides included here that were used for this 1/2 day workshop.
- Discovering OPeNDAP
- Applicable use cases of OPeNDAP
- OPeNDAP service protocols
- Complementary Features
Citations for the slide decks are here:
- Pugh, T. F., Gallagher, J. and Fulker, D. (2011) “Using OPeNDAP-enabled Applications to Access Australian Data Services and Repositories”. eResearch Australasia, Zenodo, 10 November. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10652096.
- Pugh, T. F., Gallagher, J. and Fulker, D. (2011) “Session 2: Using OPeNDAP-enabled Applications to Access Australian Data Services and Repositories”. eResearch Australasia 2011, Zenodo, 10 November. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10652181.
- Pugh, T. F., Gallagher, J. and Fulker, D. (2011) “Session 3: Using OPeNDAP-enabled Applications to Access Australian Data Services and Repositories”. eResearch Australasia 2011, Zenodo, 10 November. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10652209.
- Pugh, T. F., Gallagher, J. and Fulker, D. (2011) “Session 4: Using OPeNDAP-enabled Applications to Access Australian Data Services and Repositories”. eResearch Australasia 2011, Zenodo, 10 November. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10652218.