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OPeNDAP Current and Future Directions

Presented at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 27 Feb 2013

OPeNDAP Current and Future Directions

This presentation covers many of the current efforts that OPeNDAP is currently pursuing, including the OPULS project with Unidata to update the DAP as well as it’s sub-projects that address cloud computing, asynchronous responses from servers and server-side processing.

OPeNDAP’s participation on the OGC’s OWS-9 testbed

Also presented was an abbreviated version of a short presentation on OPeNDAP’s participation on the OGC’s OWS-9 testbed. This work focused on both using DAP as a platform for OGC web services (e.g., WCS 2.0) and on the issues of access to ‘science data’ using GIS web services.


  • Fulker, D. and Gallagher, J. (2013) “OPeNDAP Present and Future”. Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Zenodo, 27 February. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10655675.
  • Gallagher, J. and Potter, N. (2013) “OGC Web Services Initiative, Phase 9 (OWS-9): Innovations Thread – OPeNDAP”. Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Zenodo, 27 February. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10655743.